Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Filosofi Kopi, Blok M

Filosofi Kopi coffee shop at Blok M becomes popular since its movie published last year.  This coffee shop located inside the Pusat Niaga Blok M Square area at Melawai 6 Street across M Hotel. 

Actually, i have been several times coming here, but it never get me bored. The place is build from the abandoned building which is renovate to a cozy and charming place to chill.

They have coffees and non coffees menu available here. While snacks are like french fries, waffle and fried cassava. Limited, but i always order their coffees when i get here.What makes their coffee feels special? Hmm... i don't know but it can always make me enjoy every scenes of the movie from every corner while i enjoy the coffee as well.

Filosofi Kopi is a movie adapted from a short story made by Dewi 'Dee' Lestari. The film lasted 117 minutes, the story of two friends, namely Ben and Jody, who initiated to make a business together  called Filosofi Kopi coffee shop. In the coffee shop, Ben is the 'barista', and Jody is the manager.

Well, the film "Filosofi Kopi" actually not only talked about coffee. The movie was just a lot of talk about relationships between human and how coffee became their intermediaries to terms with the bitterness of the past.

And here is what we ordered on our last visit on June 25th, 2016. One is espresso (in a small cup), and the other one is coffee latte. They are awesome! The espresso taste really good, appear in a thick one, but still feels fit and balance. Meanwhile, the latte also feels good as well, the mixture between coffee and milk is great. It doesn't feel too milky nor too bitter.

This coffee shop is very recommended especially for coffee lovers (like me), and for foodies out there who wants to try a different way (place) to enjoy coffee. Find this coffee shop at the address below, and if you guys are lucky, you can meet Rio Dewanto at the coffee shop! :D 

Filosofi Kopi
Jl. Melawai VI
Blok M, Kebayoran Baru
South Jakarta, 12160
Opening Hours:
08.00-11.30, 13.30-22.00

Instagram: @filkopmovie

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Chinatown, Singapore

Eat, drink, shops, and be very merry

Chinatown is a subzone and ethnic enclave located within the Outram district in the Central Area of Singapore. Featuring distinctly Chinese cultural elements, Chinatown has had a historically concentrated ethnic Chinese population. We did not find any difficulties went there (most of the place in Singapore), because the MRT is everywhere! :D

As we get there, we had our lunch first and then we went around the shops, they have so so many shops there, so prepare your stamina to explore them. The shops sell anything; welcome to one stop portal for all things (Niu Che Shui!) I also bought Pashminas, which cost SGD 5 each! Cheap, but you can never doubt the quality. I think i can not find it anywhere in Jakarta for the same price and quality.

Later, while we were enjoying our shopping, the rain fells down. But it did not disturb us at all. We can still walk on through the shops because they connected each other so we did not have to accross the street to reach the other shops.

If you are a foodie, try char kway teow (stir fried noodles) and satay (barbequed meat skewers) at Chinatown Food Street, a row of hawker stalls, shophouse restaurants and kiosks along Smith Street. For trendier tastes, try restaurants and bars in Neil Road, Duxton Road and Keong Saik Road. 
Overall, you will love Chinatown, especially if you love to eat and shops :p

I will review one more shopping area: Bugis Street on my next writings. So, stay tuned! :))

Singapore Chicken Laksa With Dishes

Tarraa... Here we go! 

This is called: Singapore Chicken Laksa or so called Hainanese Chicken Laksa. There are various theories about the origins of Laksa, in Indonesia the dish is believed to have been born from the Chinese coastal settlements and the mixing culture between Chinese merchants and the local cooking practices. As peranakan Chinese communities have blended their ancestor's culture with local culture, Peranakan communities in different places now demonstrate diversity according to the local flavour.

In Singapore, Hainanese Chicken Laksa is easy to find, from school canteens, hawker stalls, to major restaurants. The price range is around SGD 8-10, but mine is SGD 15 (Maybe it's quite expensive for us, Indonesian people?) because they put some side dishes to the package. The side dishes are: three slices of tofus and two somays. The taste is delicious and makes my tummy full :)) 

Some people said: Don't you ever leave Singapore without trying laksa. And i did! :D

Maybe this Singapore Chicken Laksa of mine is not as delicious as Katong Laksa, which has been very famous among Singaporean, but i think this one is very special too :)) Oh, i almost forget, i tried this kind of Singapore Laksa at Rasapura Food Market, located inside The Shoppes at Marina Bay. But, if you guys want to try Katong Laksa, maybe you can visit East Coast Road, and this is the address: 328 Katong Laksa, 51 East Coast Road, Singapore 428770. Phone: (65) 97328163. They open from 10 am until 10 pm. 

Happy eating!! :D

Singapore Trip

Pada dasarnya, aku senang sekali berkunjung ke negara yang satu ini. Jadi ketika diajak untuk liburan kesana bareng keluarga, tanpa mikir panjang langsung mengiyakan. Lalu singkat kata, berangkatlah kita kesana. Kali ini rombongan nya cukup banyak, ada 8 orang including me. Dari awal kita berencana untuk mengurus semuanya sendiri dari pesan tiket, hotel, jalan-jalan di sana sampai hal-hal kecilnya.

Hari pertama, kita landing di Changi International Airport. Kemudian langsung menuju hotel. Nah hotel tempat kami menginap kali ini ok banget deh. Nanti akan aku ulas di tulisan ku yang lain ya :) Lalu kami mulai drop barang dan berencana ke tujuan pertama: Merlion Park. Karena waktu itu br nyampe banget dan kita jg masih bingung arahnya, maka kita putuskan untuk berjalan kaki. Eh rupanya jauh juga ya haha.. Sampe sana udah cape dan lapar.

Setelah ambil beberapa foto, kita putuskan untuk cari makan di daerah sana. Tp ternyata sudah penuh semua, lalu kita kembali ke hotel dengan naik MRT. Lagi-lagi disitu kita bingung mencari station MRT terdekat, after walking around dan tanya sana sini, akhirnya ketemu juga. Huft! And guess what, akhirnya kita makan mlm di Burger King seberang hotel karena semua restoran uda pada tutup.
Well, hari pertama yang cukup melelahkan.

Kemudian, petualangan kami berlanjut ke hari kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya. Kami mengunjungi lumayan banyak tempat, seperti misalnya: Marina Bay Sands yang terkenal dengan Gardens By The Bay nya, lalu Resort World Sentosa, Bugis, Chinatown dan lain-lain (akan diulas di tulisan berikutnya) yang masing-masing memiliki pesona tersendiri yang ga bs kita lupakan.  

Akhirnya, setelah 5 hari kita bertualang di Singapura, kita pun pulang ke Indonesia. Thank you Singapore! We'll meet again soon! :))